When I record to a USB memory drive on my V-Mixer, how many minutes of record time will I get?
The V-Mixers can record a 16-bit stereo linear WAV file to a USB memory drive from any two sources. The record sampling rate is dictated by the rate set in the System Setup (44.1kHz or 48kHz). The amount of record time you have is dependent on the size of USB memory you have. Here are some approximate record times given popular sizes of USB memory drives: Recording at 44.1kHz: 512MB- 47 minutues 1GB - 1.5 hours 2GB - 3 hours 4GB- 6 hours 8GB - 12.5 hours 16GB - 25 hours 32GB - 50 hours When recording at 48kHz, record time will be reduced by approximately 8%.