M-400 - I have noticed something odd with our M-400 AUX sends and was hoping for some insight as to what might be causing the problem. We want all of our monitor sends to be pre-fader. Sends 1-4 are setup that way and seem to be fine. The other aux sends
Hello; First make sure the Faders you are sending to the "other" AUX SENDs are all set to "Pre-Fader" in the DIRECT OUT section of their CH Strip Menus. Then, go to AUX SENDs DISP. Go to the first "other" AUX SEND. While in this menu, press the SEL buttons for the various Faders 1-48 that are sending to this AUX. Then select PRE FD for that AUX SEND. Repeat this process for each Fader 1-48 that should be sending Pre-FD. Once you've done this, it won't "forget" the Pre FD setting. Repeat for each of the "other" AUX SENDs.