XS-82H / XS-83H / XS-84H System Program (Ver.3.15)

This system program updates your XS-82H / XS-83H / XS-84H to the latest version 3.15.

How to know the version
Before you start, check the system program version of your XS-82H/-83H/-84H.
  1. Hold down [ OUT1-OFF ] button, and switch on the power.
    * Continue to hold down the [ OUT1-OFF ] button until the version information appears on the display.
  2. Check the version information that appears on the display.
    Executing this update installs the following version. If the version you're using is older, then carry out the update.
* If this shows the latest version, there's no need to update your XS-82H/-83H/-84H.

Update history
[ Ver.3.15 ] DEC 2019
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • When a connection is made using a USB Type-C to HDMI adapter, the HDMI input video sometimes contains noise.
  • EDID emulator operation

[ Ver.3.14 ] SEP 2018
[ Bug Fix ]
The following bug was fixed.
  • When backup data created using version 3.0x or earlier is loaded into version 3.1x or later, parameters associated with the XS-80H Remote iPad app are not restored.

[ Ver.3.13 ] JAN 2018
[ Bug Fix ]
The following bug was fixed.
  • Changing the channel while the OFF SWITCH MODE is in the OUTPUT FADE state sometimes results in no audio output.
[ Functionality Improvements ]
  • The system has been modified so as not to attempt capture when no capture source has been input.
  • Connectivity with Windows 10 tablet computers has been improved.

[ Ver.3.12 ] APR 2017
[ Bug Fix ]
The following bug was fixed.
  • Connection to XS-80H RCS via LAN or RS-232C was impossible.

[ Ver.3.11 ] MAR 2017
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • The unit sometimes fails to start correctly after updating to version 3.10.
    * When at version 3.10, updating is also possible when the unit fails to start correctly.

[ Ver.3.10 ] MAR 2017
[ Functionality Improvements ]
  • Setting an illumination pattern for the preset memory currently in use is now possible.
    MODE1 : When a preset is called up, the indicator lights up in light blue, and continues to stay lighted in light blue until another preset is called up.
    (This enables confirmation of which preset has been called up.)
    (default) :
    When a parameter is changed from the called-up state, the lighted indicator switches from light blue to blue.
    (This enables confirmation of whether the called-up state remains unchanged.)
    MODE3 : When a preset is called up, the indicator lights up in light blue, and when a parameter is changed from the called-up state, the lighted indicator switches from light blue to violet.
    (This enables confirmation of which preset has been called up, and of whether a parameter has been changed from the state in which the preset was saved.)
  • The serial command output function has been changed so as to display a popup message according to the command that is output.
    Shutter command : CMD: SHUTTER ON / CMD: SHUTTER OFF
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • AUTO SAMPLING sometimes fails to function correctly on INPUT CH2, CH4, CH6, or CH8.
  • In the SPAN, ROTATION, or 4K mode, the cross-point state of audio channels sometimes cannot be loaded correctly when a preset is called up.
  • When a Telnet connection is made and severed for 200 or more repetitions, making a Telnet connection sometimes becomes impossible.

[ Ver.3.01 ] AUG 2016
[ Functionality Improvements ]
  • SYNC-TAKE performances in the DUAL PGM-PST mode have been improved.
    Operation has been improved so that when a SYNC-TAKE operation is performed with a TRANSITION TIME setting of 0.0 sec in the DUAL PGM-PST mode, the transition occurs with the same timing.
  • Operation has been modified so that when a preset for which command output has been registered is pressed via the XS-80H Remote iPad application, the button is highlighted for a certain interval.
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • When the unit has been powered continuously for 24.85 days or longer, video switching, audio switching, and turning off video output become impossible.
  • Key locking cannot be set correctly by remote command.
  • When the output format is set to 1,366 x 768/60 Hz or 75 Hz, the vertical position of output video is sometimes misaligned.
  • In rare cases, video corruption occurs during a TAKE operation at a TRANSITION TIME setting of 0.0 sec in a PGM-PST-series mode.
  • LAST MEMORY sometimes fails to function during continuous remote control.
  • When channel 5, 6, 7, or 8 is selected in the 4K-2 mode, output video is out of sync.
  • Audio cannot be switched while switching video and video cannot be switched while switching audio.
  • Clearing a system freeze via the XS-80H Remote iPad application is not possible.
  • The currently selected preset sometimes fails to light up in light blue.

[ Ver.3.00 ]
[ Additional Functions ]
For details, refer to "Functions Added in Version 3.00" ( XS-82H_83H_84H_l_v30_e01_W.pdf ).
  • Support for the XS-80H RCS computer program was enabled.
  • Video output modes were added. ( 2×PGM-PST、3×PGM-PST、DUAL DISSOLVE、DUAL PGM-PST )
  • A bezel compensation function was added.
  • A panel operation function was added.
  • A still-image capture function was added.
  • An output freeze function was added.
  • Projector power can now be turned on and off using RS-232C or HDBaseT.
    Control of Epson, Panasonic, and Sony is possible.
[ Functionality Improvements ]
  • An output resolution of 1,280 x 800 was added.
  • An EDID for 1,280 x 800 was added.
  • The amount of change in VIDEO INPUT/VIDEO OUTPUT menu ZOOM values was changed to steps of 0.1%.
  • SUBNET MASK was added to LAN settings.
  • A location either inside or outside the video is selectable as the place where the guide is displayed.
  • Overall network connectivity was improved.
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • When a PRESET is selected for a STARTUP memory while the RECALL SAFE setting is enabled, the system did not start as configured in the PRESET settings.
  • OUTPUT FADE sometimes failed to function correctly after a preset call.

[ Ver.2.02 ]
[ Bug Fix ]
The following bug was fixed.
  • In the PRESET mode, fade-in time becomes 0 seconds (cut-in) regardless of the TRANSITION TIME setting.

[ Ver.2.01 ]
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • The problem in which input on CH1 and CH5 through CH8 fails to be detected on input of HDMI signals at nonstandard timing was corrected.
  • The problem of occasional detection failure at a specific HDMI monitor when HDCP is set to ON was corrected.
  • The problem of audio cross points failing to be set correctly in the event of preset call-up accompanying switching of the output mode was corrected.

[ Ver.2.00 ]
For details, refer to "Functions Added in Version 2.00" ( XS-82H_83H_84H_l_v20_e01_W.pdf ).
[ Additional Functions ]
  • The output picture is no longer interrupted during switching of the output mode.
  • A "DISSOLVE mode" and "PGM-PST mode" were added to the video output modes.
  • It is now possible to set the number of audio channels output via HDMI.
  • Displaying a guide on an output screen is now possible.
  • A function for displaying or hiding windows during MULTI mode output has been added.
  • The key lock mode now covers additional buttons.
  • The audio send level can now be set separately for each output channel.
  • Video-system resolutions have been added for EDID.
[ Bug Fix ]
The following bug was fixed.
  • Connection with an iPad is difficult when the "WIRELESS LAN" connection setting is set to "AD-HOC MODE."

[ Ver.1.10 ]
[ Additional Functions ]
  • Support for the "XS-80H Remote" iPad app was enabled.
    For more information, refer to "XS-80H Remote Owner's Manual."
  • An input/output audio mute command was added.
    For more information, refer to "XS-82H / XS-83H / XS-84H Reference Manual Version 1.10 and later."
[ Bug Fix ]
The following bug was fixed.
  • The inability to change the source channel using the OAV, OVS, or OAS command in the MULTI mode was corrected.

[ Ver.1.02 ]
[ Change the specification ]
  • The selection of 1400x1050 has been removed from the available output formats.
    * Existing settings of 1400x1050 can continue to be used, but once the setting has been changed, it cannot be reselected.
    * If a setting of 1400x1050 (unavailable for selection) is sent using the VOR remote command, a response of INVALID VALUE is returned.
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • Input detection sometimes stops when successive changes in input format are made.
  • Video corruption sometimes occurs when input connectors are switched.
  • The HDCP setting was not correctly returned in response to an OTS remote command.
  • The output resolution for OUTPUT2 was not correctly returned in response to an OTS remote command.

[ Ver.1.01 ]
[ Bug Fixes ]
The following bugs were fixed.
  • Executing the operation in "Returning Settings to the Factory-default State (Factory Reset)" does not initialize the "OFF SWITCH" setting.
  • The appearance of the display is sometimes incorrect when the unit is started under high-temperature conditions.

What you will need to update
  • XS-82H / XS-83H / XS-84H
  • USB Memory ( Roland's M-UF2G is recommended )
    * The USB Memory need to be formatted on a XS-82H/-83H/-84H.

Getting the update file
After expansion, xs8xh_sys_v102 and xs8xh_sys_v315 folders containing the data necessary for installation appear, with the file XS-8xH.PRG inside each.
The xs8xh_npu_1012 folder also contains XS-8xNPU.IMG.

Procedure for the update
The update procedure differs depending on the version currently in use.
If Using Ver.1.00 / Ver.1.01
First, use XS-8xH.PRG inside the xs8xh_sys_v102 folder to update to version 1.02.
Next, use XS-8xH.PRG inside the xs8xh_sys_v315 folder to update to version 3.15.
Finally, use XS-8xNPU.IMG inside the xs8xh_npu_1012 folder to update to NPU version 1.012.
* When the procedure in "How to know the version" shows that " NPU " is NPU version 1.012, the procedure in [ NPU Update ] is not required.

If Using Ver.1.02 / Ver.1.10 / Ver.2.00 / Ver.2.01 / Ver.2.02 / Ver.3.00 / Ver.3.01 / Ver.3.10 / Ver.3.11 / Ver.3.12 / Ver.3.13 / Ver.3.14
Use XS-8xH.PRG inside the xs8xh_sys_v315 folder to update to version 3.14.
Next, use XS-8xNPU.IMG inside the xs8xh_npu_1012 folder to update to NPU version 1.012.
* When the procedure in "How to know the version" shows that " NPU " is NPU version 1.012, the procedure in [ NPU Update ] is not required.

Creating the Update USB Memory
  1. Copy update file XS-8xH.PRG to the root directory of a USB Memory.
  2. Copy NPU update file XS-8xNPU.IMG to the root directory of a USB Memory.
    * If the procedure in "How to know the version" shows that " NPU " is NPU version 1.012, copying the XS-8xNPU.IMG file for updating NPU is not required.
Update Procedure
[ System Update ]
  1. Turn XS-82H/-83H/-84H power OFF.
  2. Connect USB memory to XS-82H/-83H/-84H's USB MEMORY connector. Turn the power on with pressing [ OUTPUT1 CH5 ] + [ OUTPUT1 CH7 ] + [ OUTPUT1 OFF ] buttons.
    * Hold down the button until the "SWITCHING MODE" button flashes.
  3. Press the [ VALUE ] knob. The update automatically advances.
  4. When the message "Please Restart XS-8xH" appears on the monitor, the update has finished.
    Turn XS-82H/-83H/-84H power OFF.

[ NPU Update ]
* When the procedure in "How to know the version" shows that " NPU " is NPU version 1.012, the procedure in [ NPU Update ] is not required.
  1. Turn XS-82H/-83H/-84H power OFF.
  2. Connect USB memory to XS-82H/-83H/-84H's USB WLAN ADAPTOR connector. Turn the power on with pressing [ OUTPUT2 CH5 ] + [ OUTPUT2 CH7 ] + [ OUTPUT2 OFF ] buttons.
    * Hold down the button until the "SWITCHING MODE" button flashes.
    * If the procedure in "How to know the version" shows that " NPU " is NPU version 1.012, the message " No Need to Update " is displayed. Turn off the power to end the NPU update.
  3. Press the [ VALUE ] knob. The update automatically advances.
  4. When the message "Please Restart" appears on the monitor, the update has finished.
    Turn XS-82H/-83H/-84H power OFF.
Cases have been reported in which the message "update failure please restart" appears during execution of the NPU update, and the NPU update fails. (9 Feb 2016)
If the update fails, try repeating the update using the following method.
  • Use a different USB Memory.
    After formatting the USB Memory on an XS-82H/-83H/-84H unit, go to the xs8xh_npu_1012 folder and copy only XS-8xNPU.IMG to the USB Memory, then carry out the procedure in [ NPU Update ].


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