S-4000 RCS Ver.2.400 for Windows

S-4000 RCS is an application that lets you manage and perform setup of the Digital Snake system from your computer.
S-4000 RCS is able to edit and manage up to four Digital Snake systems.

Please refer to the "S-4000 RCS Version 2.4 User Guide"(S-4000RCS_v24_e01.pdf) file for details.

[ Ver.2.400 ]
  • Support for the S-2416 was added.
    Note: On the S-2416, the USB port can also be used for control via S-4000 RCS for Windows. When using a USB connection, then before you start, use the S-2416 INF File Installer ( to install the INF file. For details on the installation method and other matters, refer to the readme_e.txt file inside
  • A function for switching the sample rate for an existing Digital Snake device was added.
  • When the unit was rapidly switched at M-48 List while the setting for Engineer Monitor was made in the M-48 Manager window, in rare cases, the unit was rewritten with an unintended value; this problem was corrected.

[ Ver.2.300 ]
  • You can open the M-48 Source Lev/Pan window and the M-48 Source Assign window simultaneously.
  • You can resize the following windows:
    • S-4000 RCS window
    • M-48 Source Lev/Pan window
    • M-48 Source Assign window
    • S-4000M Merge Patchbay window
    • S-4000M Output Patchbay window
  • When you edit a channel name in the following windows, you can use [Tab] key of your computer's keyboard to switch to the forward or backward channel.
    • S-4000 RCS window (channel names)
    • M-48 Manager window (group names)
    • M-48 Source Lev / Pan window (channel names)
    • M-48 Source Assign window (group names)
    • S-4000M Merge Patchbay window (channel names)
  • When you right-click a group name in the M-48 Manager window, a popup window to select a channel assigned to the group will appear.

[ Ver.2.201 ]
  • It was corrected that S-4000RCS could not memorize a setting of the "Engineer's Monitor Option:Monitor-only" in the "M-48 Preferences" window for an M-48 designated as the Engineer's Monitor unit.

[ Ver.2.200 ]
  • Compatible with the S-MADI.
  • Engineer’s Monitor function has been added.
  • M-48 mix option has been added.

Double click downloaded "".

The contents of the files are subject to change without notice for improvement of the program.

Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 10
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 8.1 32-bit Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 8.1 64-bit Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 8 32-bit Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 8 64-bit Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 32-bit Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 7 64-bit Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(R) SP1 or later
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Home Edition SP2 or later
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional SP2 or later

* S-4000 RCS does not work with the 64-bit Edition of Windows(R) XP
* S-4000 RCS does not work with the 64-bit Edition of Windows Vista(R)
* S-4000 RCS does not work with Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Media Center Edition.

Pentium(R) / Celeron(R) or compatible processor, 1.6GHz or faster
* We cannot make guarantees regarding the compatibility of processors.

512MB or more

1024 x 768 (XGA) or higher, 65,536 colors (16-bit color) or higher

Serial Interface (RS-232C D - Sub 9 pins)
* Check that the serial interface of your computer works properly.

<Expansion of serial interface>
Connect USB/serial conversion cable or conversion adaptor to your computer and carry out installation to make all the serial interfaces work properly.

[ Warning ]
Using a combination of USB/serial conversion cables and conversion adaptors from various manufacturers may make the system unstable.
Please do not use this product with such configurations.

* This software has been found to work on typical computers that meet the above requirements, but we do not guarantee that it will operate on all such computers. Please be aware that differences in design or conditions of use may produce differences in the processing power of otherwise similar computers.

* Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
* Pentium and Celeron are registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
* All product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners


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